Tanacetum parthenium

Common Name: Feverfew, Feather Oil, Flirtwort, Midsummers Daisy 
Family: Asteraceae/Compositae
Part/s Used: Flowers, leaves and soft stems
Energetics: Cooling, drying
Taste: Bitter, pungent, acrid, spicy 
Actions: Diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-carcinogenic, antimicrobial, bitter, carminative, decongestant, diaphoretic, febrifuge, tonic, vermifuge, spasmolytic
Organ System Affinity: Nervous system, digestive system
Key constituents: Sesquiterpene lactones (parthenolide), volatile oils; bitter resin, pyrethrin, tannins, flavonoids (apigenin, centaureidin, chrysoeriol, jaceidin, luteolin, quercetin, santin)
Tissue state: Heat excitation
Planet: Venus
Element: Water
Magick and Ritual uses: Carry a petite bundle of Feverfew with you as a talisman for protection against fevers and colds, especially during your travels through unknown lands and energies. Plant this enchanted herb around your dwelling to form a protective barrier, repelling negativity and ensuring only harmonious vibrations enter your sacred space

Medicinal Preparations: 

Tincture: Fresh 1:3+
Drops: 5-60   Times a day: 3x

Capsules: 1-2 "00"  Times a day: 3x
Tea: Steep 2- 8 fresh leaves in boiling water, but do not boil them, since boiling breaks down the active parthenolides. Feverfew makes a very bitter tea on its own, combine with other palatable herbs

Habitat and Botanical Description: 


Feverfew, with its cerebral tonic attributes, is a revered herb in both traditional and mystical realms, particularly for the prolonged prevention of migraine headaches. This herb, imbued with natural energies, diminishes inflammation and responses to allergens, bringing relief to those plagued by sensitivities. When embraced as a preventative elixir for an extended duration (a lunar quarter at least), Feverfew can weave its magic to mitigate the frequency and intensity of migraine headaches. Consuming its fresh leaves, kissed by dew and moonlight, is recognized as advantageous during the initial emergence of symptoms, offering a shield against the flashes of light and ethereal lightheadedness that prelude migraines.

In scenarios where migraines manifest from an overheated liver, a condition reminiscent of fire element imbalance, Feverfew's cooling, water-aligned properties harmonize the excessive heat, alleviating the searing, tense discomfort in the head.

Contrary to the elemental associations suggested by its name and historical applications, Feverfew in contemporary herbalism and witchery is not solely invoked for fevers. Instead, it is summoned for its analgesic and antimicrobial virtues, casting a protective aura against symptoms of colds and flu, including feverish shivers and throbbing headaches.

With its potent anti-inflammatory and pain-alleviating energies, Feverfew also finds its sacred place in remedies for managing arthritis, toothaches, and the cyclical pain of menstruation. Being a herb aligned with bitterness, it is a conduit for enhancing digestive energies. The bitterness of its brewed potion may be challenging for some palates, making tinctures – the essence of Feverfew captured in liquid form – a cherished alternative. These tinctures, with their swift effects, are a magical addition to herbal first aid kits, especially when the herb, fresh from the garden’s whispers, is not within reach.

Feverfew, in its additional role as a guardian of the natural realm, serves as an insect deterrent with its potent, bitter aura, shielding against mosquitoes, gnats, and flies. Anointing the skin with a potent brew of its leaves and blossoms forms a protective barrier against these unwelcome creatures. Planting Feverfew as a sentinel near entrances and windows is wise, but caution in its placement is advised, as its potent energies may also ward off the benevolent winged messengers like bees and butterflies. Strategic planting, perhaps along the garden’s mystical boundaries or away from blooms whispering for pollination, is recommended.

On an energetic plane, Feverfew is a balm for the spirit, calming and soothing the nervous system, particularly during times when the shadow self emerges. It aids in the alchemical transformation of nervous energy, preventing the manifestation of shadow habits and emotions. As a green ally in the herbalist’s enchanted garden, Feverfew offers its strength, adaptability, and confidence, illuminating the path during times of decision-making and shadow work. It opens the portals to higher realms of understanding, fostering trust in one’s intuitive gifts, and maintaining an anchored spirit amidst the dance of chaos and change.

Aligned with the celestial energies of Venus, Feverfew is a symbol of love, beauty, fertility, and the divine feminine. It dances with the energies of Venus to restore balance and harmony within the body and spirit, particularly nurturing the sacred female reproductive system. In days of old, Feverfew was a cherished remedy to ease the lunar pains of menstruation, promote the flow of life, and temper hormonal migraines, which the indulgence in Venusian pleasures like red wine, chocolate, and cheese could amplify. Cultivating Feverfew in your enchanted garden or carrying a sprig wrapped in intentions invites the nurturing and loving energies of Venus into your life, casting a spell of balance and harmony


Feverfew is a delight to cultivate in the garden, blossoming into an exquisite source of healing. Not only does it bear the gift of medicine, but its cut flowers also weave spells of beauty in floral arrangements. During the Summer months, as Feverfew unfurls its blooms and the garden pulses with life, gather the aerial parts (leaves, flowers, and tender stems). For an infusion of extra Magick, align your harvest with Friday, the day bathed in Venusian energy.

Tincture the freshly harvested herb promptly to capture its essence, or hang it upside down in a shadowed, well-ventilated sanctuary, allowing it to dry while absorbing the ambient energies. Be attentive to the blossoms that have shared their vitality; deadhead the spent blooms to encourage a renewed cycle of blooming and to maintain balance by preventing excessive self-seeding. As the wheel of the year turns and Fall whispers through the leaves, trim back Feverfew, allowing it to rest and rejuvenate for the next cycle of growth and magick ✨

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Feverfew is contraindicated for individuals taking other antimigraine drugs, and blood thinning medications. Pregnant and breastfeeding women should avoid Feverfew as it may cause the uterus to contract. Avoid Feverfew if there’s hypersensitivity to Asteraceae/Compositae plants including chrysanthemums, daisies, and marigolds. Eating too many of the fresh leaves can cause blistering of the mouth.


Disclosure: This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.