Throughout history, the tradition of crafting torches from dried mullein stalks has stood the test of time. These stalks were traditionally dipped in tallow or other fats and used as far back as Roman times. Valued for both their practical uses and symbolic meanings, mullein torches served not only as a light source but were also believed to ward off evil spirits and provide protection during ceremonies and spiritual practices. Known by various names—including Mullein Torch, Hag's Taper, Witch's Candle, Jupiter’s Rod, King’s Candle, and Candlewick—this remarkable plant is steeped in a rich tapestry of magick and folklore.
Burning a mullein torch mirrors the practice of smudging, dispersing negative energy and inviting protection. It is believed to thin the veil between worlds, enhancing spiritual awareness. During Samhain, when the veil is said to be at its thinnest, the mullein torch becomes a powerful tool for rituals, supporting divination and other sacred practices. Its presence amplifies our intention and deepens the magick, aligning us with ancient energies as we work in the liminal space between realms.

Mullein, a biennial plant, follows a remarkable two-year growth cycle from germination to flowering and seed production. During its initial year, the plant forms a low-lying cluster of velvety, tender leaves known as a basal rosette. These leaves, renowned for their expectorant properties, are often incorporated into smoking blends as a bulking agent. In the subsequent year, Mullein reemerges in early spring, once again assuming the form of a rosette. However, it swiftly shoots up a towering flowering stem that blossoms from June to September. As the plant nears the end of its life cycle, Mullein proudly stands tall, leaving behind a dried stalk. This very stalk is precisely what we require for our project! For more in depth information on Mullein head to the herbarium section of the website.
How to make Mullein Torches
As late summer fades into autumn, venture into nature to find the withered and lifeless mullein stalks. These can typically be spotted in open meadows, along rivers, and scattered along roadsides and forgotten paths. With a pair of scissors, carefully sever the dried stalks. Here in the U.S, we can harvest this plant abundantly, as it is considered an invasive species. While it offers beneficial uses, its tendency to outcompete native plants can disrupt local ecosystems. For an added touch of magick, consider harvesting on a Saturday, its planetary day governed by Saturn. Once collected, allow the stalks to dry further in a well-ventilated space, preparing them for future use. This mindful approach not only honors the plant’s natural cycle but also connects you to the rhythms of nature as you gather this remarkable herb.

Once your mullein is fully dried, the magick can begin! Melt beeswax in a deep double boiler, letting it fully liquefy. If you wish, add colors to align with your ritual. I've chosen black and used charcoal, to honor the dark and sacred energy of Samhain. If your melted beeswax is deep enough, dip the mullein stalk directly into the wax, allowing it to be fully coated. Repeat as many times as needed until it's thoroughly covered. Alternatively, you can brush or pour the wax in layers, ensuring complete coverage. Typically, two to five coats will suffice, but be sure to seal any seed heads, preserving their energy and integrity for the ritual.
If you feel called, you can further enchant your wax-coated mullein stalk by sprinkling it with botanicals of your choice. Sage adds potent cleansing and grounding properties, creating a purified space for your ritual. Mugwort, a favorite of many witches, enhances intuition and invites vivid dreams, making it perfect for divination. Roses bring the energy of love and self-compassion, while Yarrow serves as a steadfast guardian of protection. You may also choose to infuse the wax with essential oils to elevate the fragrance and amplify the energetic intent, aligning the torch even more closely with your magickal workings. Each herb and oil you select deepens the connection to your intention, infusing the torch with personal power and meaning.

Each mullein torch carries its own unique energy, reflecting the beauty of its craftsmanship. When you're ready to use it, stick the torch firmly in the earth, or remove the base and place it securely in a taper holder. Trim the tip of the torch to reveal the "wick," which is the mullein stalk itself, ready to ignite.
A mullein torch burns steadily, with an average rate of about 15 minutes per inch, and is best used in a single session for its full effect. However, if needed, you can safely extinguish it by dipping it in water and trimming the stalk for future use. These torches emit minimal smoke, making them suitable for indoor rituals—just be sure to practice caution and fire safety as always.

Additional Notes:
- For natural color, you can add spices to the liquified beeswax. Different spices will produce different colors; for example, you will get a brown/orange color by adding cinnamon, yellowish color by adding Turmeric and charcoal for gray/black. The color will also depend on how much of the spice you add. When adding spices, be aware that although the spices will settle on the bottom, they will still add color. Micas work great too!
- Use an old paint can or pitcher designated for this project
Love and Magick, Colleen- Head Witch
Thank you for the thorough tutorial. It’s just what I need for our Samhain gathering.
Gratitude and Blessings,