Cinnamomum verum. syn C. zeylanicum

Common Name: Cinnamon, ceylon, true cinnamon
Family: Lauraceae
Part/s Used: Dried inner bark
Energetics: Warming, stimulating, demulcent
Taste: Sweet, spicy, pungent, astringent
Actions: Demulcent, stimulating diaphoretic, carminative, hemostatic, antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, gastrointestinal tonic, yang tonic, flavoring
Constituents: Procyanidin, oligomers, cinnamaldehyde, methoxy cinnamaldehyde, flavonoids, mucilage, resins, sugars, salicylic acid, anhydrocinnzelanol, eugenol
Tissue state: Depression, atrophy, relaxation  
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Zodiac: Aquarius
Magickal and ritual uses: With its association to the fire element, add cinnamon to any spell to help it manifest quicker. Cinnamon increases spirituality and breeds abundance, power and success. Inspires love and lust. Burn cinnamon incense to ignite romance. Offers protection. Hang an cinnamon broom over the main doorway for protective energy.

Medicinal Preparations:

Tincture: 1:4 40-50% alcohol
Cinnamon extract is highly aromatic and can be combined in various herbal formulations as a warming component or “driver” to enhance a formula due to its circulatory stimulant properties. Plus, it will add a nice flavor to bitter or unpleasant tasting formulas. Straight cinnamon tincture should be diluted, and can be taken in juice, water or tea
Tea: Long decoction. ½ teaspoon of cinnamon bark per cup water infused for 25 minutes. Keep lid on when simmering to keep essential oils from escaping. Delicious with a squeeze of lemon and some honey.

The whole quails keep longer for storage and are preferred over the powder for medicine making 

Habitat and Botanical Description:

Cinnamon is a tropical evergreen tree in the laurel family that can reach up to 30 feet tall in the wild. It has glossy, dark green leaves and produces small white or yellow flowers and small berries. The tree prefers a warm, humid climate with indirect sunlight. It’s often cultivated and pruned as an understory crop, which means it grown under the shade of smaller trees. It can survive in a wide range of soil types with good drainage. There are two main types of cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) and cassia cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia). Ceylon cinnamon, also known as "true" cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka and southern parts of India and considered to be of higher quality, a bit milder and sweeter. This is the medicinal cinnamon we will be covering in this monograph. While cassia cinnamon, native to China has a stronger taste and, less expensive. It is the most common type of cinnamon sold in the marketplace.

Medicinal Uses:

Cinnamon is a spice that has been used for thousands of years in various cultures around the world. It was mentioned in ancient Egyptian texts where it was used in the mummification process, perfumes, oils and incense. It was also mentioned in the bible. Today cinnamon is used in a wide variety of cuisines and is also used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments.

Cinnamon has long been used in traditional healing modalities. In TCM, it is used to balance the organs and stimulate slow energy. TCM practitioners see cinnamon as a warming herb and often use it in cases of coldness of sluggishness. Ayurveda practitioners value cinnamon as a versatile and nourishing herb that can support various bodily systems. It is one of the best herbs for the Vata constitution because it is warming and has some demulcent qualities to it, which is rare in the plant world.
Cinnamon's warming and stimulating nature is indicated for individuals with low vitality that have a weak, tired, cold constitution with low immunity. Cinnamon is useful during colds, flus, sinus congestion,, bronchitis, asthma accompanied with chills. Sprinkle in applesauce for kids to soothe sore throats.
Cinnamon has been used traditionally to help improve digestion and alleviate digestive issues. It warms up the entire digestive tract and stimulates the production of digestive enzymes which can help break down food. Its anti-microbial properties help kill off harmful bacteria in the gut. Oftentimes it is  sprinkled on cold foods such as fruits and desserts, especially beneficial for individuals who experience flatulence, loose stools or griping pain occur after eating cold foods. 
Topically, the essential oil has many benefits when it comes to wound healing. Studies have shown that its antimicrobial properties can help reduce the risk of infection. It's popular as a foot bath to help treat athlete’s foot. Its anti-inflammatory properties can be used  in a full bath to soothe sore muscles and promote tissue repair. Cinnamon can increase the production of collagen, a protein that is essential for wound healing. Add a touch to toothpaste to inhibit bacteria and freshen the breath! An effective hemostatic that can be sprinkled on a cut to stop bleeding. Cinnamon is an essential for the home apothecary.
Besides its use in traditional herbalism as a warming and uplifting herb, cinnamon is also renowned for its sweet and delicious flavor. Adding cinnamon to baked goods like muffins and cookies, curry dishes will enhance flavor and increase digestibility! Also makes a great addition to beverages, and cordials.
In the beauty world, ground cinnamon be  is used in cosmetics to make natural foundations and bronzers. Find Cinnamon in our Beauty Balm added for its stimulating properties, to enhance your own natural glow 👄
Cinnamon is ruled by the sign of Aquarius, because of its close connection to circulation, blood, and the nervous system. Aquarius rules the ankles and the calves in medical astrology, where we often suffer from poor circulation and varicose veins. Cinnamon can be balancing during Aquarius season when things tend to stagnate a bit. Aquarius is also a fixed air sign, known to spend a lot of time in the realm of the mind. If the mind is not properly managed, it can wreak havoc our nervous systems, causing overstimulation due to leaked energy and cause problems with sleeping. Cinnamon can be an herbal ally when more metal focus is needed.


Cinnamon can be harvested from a growing tree that is at least 2-3 years old. Harvesting cinnamon typically done during the rainy season when the bark is most pliable. Alternatively, you can soak the branches in water for a few hours. Using a saw, cut down a section of the cinnamon tree that has a diameter of at least 2 inches. Cut off the small twigs and branches. Immediately, peel off the very outer layer of the gray bark. Then carefully slice the next layer of the inner bark, which should be reddish in color. This is cinnamon! This lighter, fragrant inner bark should separate easily. Slice with a knife into large strips. Dry the inner bark in a single layer a well-ventilated area or in the sun for a few days. Roll the dried bark strips into quills and store from after use. The bark become redder as it oxidizes. 

You can also cut down the entire tree. The stump will regenerate, and  grow back fuller in just a few short years in the right conditions. 

Recommended Products:


Caution must be exercised with this spicy herb. Cinnamon may cause irritation when coming into direct contact with mucous membranes and eyes. Should only be used in high dilution, as it is caustic to the skin


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  • Delahaye, N. Mediavine Publisher Network Architectural Digest 2023. Star Sign Style.
  • India Science. Harvesting and processing Cinnamon 
  • Kane, Aurora. Herbal Magic, A Handbook of Natural Spells, Charms and Potions. New York, NY: Wellfleet Press; 2021
  • Palmer. R. Cinnamon Materia Medica
  • Popham, Sajah. Alchemical Herbalism Course. School of Evolutionary Herbalism. Lecture Notes; 2020
  • Popham, Sajah. The Vitalist Herbal Practitioner Program. School of Evolutionary Herbalism. Lecture Notes. 2021
  • Sinadinos, Christa. Northwest School for Botanical Studies Course. Lecture Notes; 2014
  • Michael. The Way of Herbs. New York, NY: Pocket Books; 1998
  • Tilgner, Sharol Marie. Herbal Medicine from the Heart of the Earth. Third Edition. Wise Acres Publishing. 2020
  • Wardwell, J, Dodt, C, Breedlove, G. Herbal Well Being. San Diego, CA. Storey Publishing; 2002
  • Wood, Matthew. The Earthwise herbal: Volume 1. A complete guide to Old World medicinal plants. Berkeley, CA: North Atlantic Books; 2008
Disclosure: This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.