Rosmarinus officinalis
Common Names: Rosemary, Our Ladys Rose, Dew of the Sea, Sea Dew, Polar Plant Family: Lamiaceae Part/s Used: Leaves, flowers Energetics: Warming Taste: Pungent, sweet, mildly astringent, bitter Actions: Antibacterial, antifungal, antioxidant, antispasmodic, carminative, cholagogue, circulatory stimulant, emmenagogue, nervine, rubefacient Constituents: Borneol, bornyl acetate, camphene, camphor, limonene and linalool Planet: Sun Element: Fire |
Medicinal Preparations:Tincture (ratio & % alcohol): Fresh: 1:3 or 1:4 Dry: 1:5 60% Glycerite: Fresh:1:4 Glycerin: 50% Alcohol: 50% Acetum: Fresh: 1:4 Tea: Hot infusion |
Habitat and Botanical Description:Rosemary is an evergreen, native to the Mediterranean Sea shores. Rosmarinus, meaning fond of the sea, it loves the moisture of the coastal environment but also does well in warm temperatures with lots of sun. Planting rosemary in your garden will attract the bees. Rosemary has dark green aromatic leaves and purple to blue flowers. |
Medicinal Uses:A plant used for ages in medicine, beauty and cooking, this aromatic herb is incredibly versatile. Rosemary contains volatile oils that have antimicrobial actions and is a wonderful herb to have in your herbal first aid kit. Rosemary has disinfectant properties useful for wounds. It is also useful for sore muscles and joints, bruises, strains, sprains arthritic conditions. It’s an anti-viral used for treating colds, flus, herpes and HPV. An anti-bacterial for strep, BV (essential oils 2-3 drops with cocoa butter in capsules for a suppository) and gut infections. Its anti-fungal properties can help with candida (douche with tea). Rosemary is a pleasant nervous system stimulant, a gentle energizer and good for weaning individuals off a caffeine who usually drink coffee in the morning to get their blood moving. Drink up to a quart a day with stevia and fresh lemon. Rosemary is a cholagogue and enhances the digestion of fats and proteins which is why it is commonly used with meat. It is effective in slowing the growth of bacteria in food preservation to keep from spoiling. Use in marinades or wrap the meat in rosemary. It is a carminative and can be taken after eating meat or large meals to decrease gas and bloating. Rosemary is a circulatory stimulant, increasing the oxygen and nutrient delivery to the tissues and helps the removal of waste products. Rosemary is not as heating as cayenne and ginger making it great for warmer body types. It is best for cold, thin bodies, pale with low energy individuals as it is gentle and warming. Its is an excellent herb for those with cold hands and feet. It can be used for spider and varicose veins when treated internal and topically. Rosemary is a mental stimulant that can help improve energy, cheerfulness and optimism. Useful for those suffering from mild depression and general weakness. Drinking rosemary tea in the fall and winter can increase circulation and warm the body. Rosemary increases oxygen to the brain and helps with mental clarity, focus and memory. Smelling will help when studying, or place by your bed to help recall dreams. Include in formulas for people with dementia and Alzheimer’s (combine with gotu kola, gingko, garden sage, tulsi basil and calendula and anything else with flavonoids to slow down the degenerative process). |
Harvesting:The leaves are most aromatic when they are in flower, but can be gathered throughout spring and summer. Harvesting continually during this time will encourage rapid growth. Cut the top 2 inches off a branch that at least 8 inches. Do not harvest more than ¼ of the rosemary bush at a time. It is helpful to have a few rosemary buses, to ensure you do not over harvest from one. Do not harvest too close to the winter as growth will be slow. Bigger rosemary bushes will survive winter better. Harvest fresh and store in fridge for up to two weeks or freeze for longer. To dry, wrap bundles with twine and hang upside down in a well ventilated, dark area for 10 days or until completely dry. Store leaves in airtight jars |
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Beauty:Rosemary is an excellent tonic for the skin and hair. Especially those who has pale or aging skin. Makes an excellent AVC hair rinse for individuals who want to decrease dandruff and stimulate circulation to the scalp to improve hair loss. Rosemary adds a nice sheen to the hair (dyed hair or hair suffering from pollution and dryness) and is more specific to people with dark hair. If you do not like the smell of ACV, it can be made as a tea rinse instead. Drink and cup and pour the rest on your head. Rosemary is cleansing and purifying for the skin. It is good for all skin types but especially those with oily skin. Rosemary opens the pores and disinfects and can be less irritating that tea tree. Add fresh sprigs in the bath. Rosemary oil can be beneficial to use in salves and oils to keep from going rancid. |
Contraindications:Use in very low doses in pregnancy and lactating (uterine effects unknown). Best to avoid essential oils internally but culinary use is fine. Known to aggravate high blood pressure as it is a strong circulatory stimulant (ears pulsating, head throbbing). May be too stimulating for some individuals at night, usually those who are already sensitive to stimulants. |
- Hoffman, David. The Complete Herbs Sourcebook. New York, NY: Skyhorse Publishing Inc; 2016
- Sinadinos, Christa. The Essential Guide to Western Botanical Medicine. Fieldbrook, CA; 2020
- Sinadinos, Christa. Northwest School for Botanical Studies Course. Lecture Notes; 2014
Disclosure: This information has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before using herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.